Saturday, January 28, 2012

Learning Our ABC's

I homeschool my First Grade son, and most days I also have my 2 year old daughter, my 2 year old niece, and my 10-month old nephew crawling around at my feet. It's a delight to be a part of the constant learning experiences going on in my home.

But I have to be honest, it's pretty basic stuff. My son's counting money, learning to add and subtract, learning how to spell and read, etc.

And the little ones are learning words, recognizing letters, and beginning to count.

No algebra, no chemistry, nothing complicated or confusing. Just the basics.

Perhaps that's why I'm so drawn to the suggestion in our "20 Ways to Wake Up Your Quiet Time" to PRAISE JESUS FROM A to Z.

from the worksheet:

For example, "Jesus, You are amazing... Jesus, You are beautiful..." As you praise Jesus using each letter of the alphabet, spend time meditating on each word you use to describe Him. Thinking deeply about Him is more important than racing through each letter of the alphabet as fast as you can.

With the ABC song constantly being sung around my house, I am looking forward to spending some quiet time this week meditating on the ABC's of praising Jesus. Perhaps that will remind me throughout my day, as I prepare lessons and flip flashcards, that it's often very good for all of us to return to the basics. The simple reminders of how great our Savior is!


How about you?
Add a comment with one letter of the alphabet and one praiseworthy attribute of Jesus, and let's see how far we can get here in our ABCs of Praising Jesus together!!


Jenny said...

I'll start!

A - Jesus, Your love is AMAZING!

Joanne said...

B - Jesus, I praise you because you are BEAUTIFUL!!

Anonymous said...

Charity said....Thank you Jesus that you are my Comforter.